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Top posts! Top sellers! An Ignatius Press Novels Review of 2015

December 23, 2015 2:00 pm | Leave a Comment


2015 is almost over, and it’s time to look back over the past year in novels and in posts here at the Novel Thoughts blog. First off, here’s a list of the top-selling novels from the year:

  1. Elijah in Jerusalem: The long-awaited sequel to Father Elijah takes the top spot this year.
  2. Joan of Arc: The classic novel by Mark Twain remains a favorite among our readers.
  3. Father Elijah: The first novel by Michael O’Brien remains in the top ten!
  4. Dear and Glorious Physician: Taylor Caldwell’s novel on the life of Saint Luke.
  5. Ida Elisabeth: Sigrid Undset’s insightful novel saw a boost in sales this year.
  6. Island of the World: Michael O’Brien’s epic novel set in the Balkans.
  7. Tobit’s Dog: Michael N. Richards’ retelling of the Book of Tobit, set in the Depression-era south.
  8. Song of Bernadette: Franz Werfel’s classic novel was the basis of the famous film.
  9. The Spear: Louis de Wohl’s novel about Saint Longinus.
  10. We’ll Never Tell Them: The latest novel by Fiorella De Maria is a must-read!

In the Ignatius Critical Editions, which feature classic works of literature along with insightful essays, the top-selling five novels were:

  1. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
  2. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
  3. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
  4. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
  5. Mansfield Park by Jane Austen

On the Novel Thoughts blog, we had a great number of popular posts this year. Here’s the top ten:

  1. “A Warning: A Review of Kingsman: The Secret Service” by Meryl Kalieda
  2. “Christopher Lee and Morally Serious Horror” by John Herreid
  3. “Giving Nothing for Christmas” by John Herreid
  4. “Chesterton in Love” by G.K. Chesterton
  5. “The Wound that Heals” by John Herreid
  6. “The road to Auschwitz isn’t so long…” by John Herreid
  7. “Great Films for Kids” reviews of The Secret of Kells and Song of the Sea by John Herreid
  8. “Love as Magic vs. Love as the Center of Life” by Roger Thomas
  9. “Killing the Dragon” by John Herreid

Here’s looking forward to a great 2016!

Ignatius Press Novels

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Tags: best sellers top posts year in review

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